UW mentoring opportunities
Mentorship is a critical aspect of one’s leadership development. Learn more about the various mentorship opportunities available at the UW.

Dawg Daze Leaders
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
Dawg Daze Leaders support the UW’s week of welcome called Dawg Daze. This volunteer role allows you to support events and help welcome new students to campus.
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Dawg Daze Student Advisory Board
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
Dawg Daze Student Advisory Board serves as the student voice of Dawg Daze. This group meets 3 times in spring quarter and will serve as team captains during Dawg Daze. You have the opportunity to mentor Dawg Daze Leaders at a 1 day training in September.
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DO-IT: Mentoring and Peer Support for People with Disabilities
College Students mentoring High School Students
The DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) electronic mentoring community provides an opportunity for students with disabilities to communicate via email and during program activities with mentors and other students with disabilities. DO-IT mentors inspire and facilitate personal, academic, and career achievements in the DO-IT mentees, who are college-capable students with disabilities pursuing challenging academic and career fields.
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Economics Undergraduate Mentorship Program
Alumni and Community Members mentoring Undergraduate Students
The Economics Mentorship program links undergraduate economics students with volunteer mentors to enable students to develop life and career skills through the guidance of seasoned professionals. Mentoring allows the student to learn about specific jobs, career paths, networking, organizational cultures, business functions and industries. Students receive constructive feedback about career goals, career building, personal and business skills.
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First Year Interest Groups
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
First year students can enroll in a FIG to be mentored by an experienced UW student. Returning UW students can gain teaching and mentoring skills by leading a class of incoming first years.
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Foster Undergraduate Mentoring Program
Alumni mentoring Undergraduate Students
The mission of the Foster School of Business Undergraduate Mentoring Program is to enrich and support the professional, academic and personal experiences of students by intentionally pairing them with Foster alumni. These mentoring relationships assist students in the transition from academic to professional life and support individual success at Foster and beyond.
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FYP Student Coordinators
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
The Student Coordinator position is highly visible on the UW campus and interacts daily with newly admitted students, their parents, University administrators, faculty, and staff. There are several Student Coordinators in First Year Programs, each with specific functional responsibilities.
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MBA Mentoring Program
Professionals mentoring Graduate Students
The MBA Mentor Program offers students the opportunity to learn about the way business is practiced today, under the guidance of top executives. The MBA Mentor Program is a partnership between the Foster School of Business and Seattle’s leading businesses. Students have the opportunity to visit major Northwest companies and see business leadership skills in action. They also learn ways of navigating career objectives in work and life. The program is based on mutual interest in developing the talents and abilities of our current MBA students—the future leaders of commerce in the Northwest and beyond.
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OMA&D: Mentor Power for Success
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
The Mentor Power for Success Program is a dynamic autumn quarter partnership between first-year Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity (OMAD) students (protégés) and continuing UW students (mentors), to help protégés make a successful transition to university life. Mentor students use their knowledge of UW resources and services to guide protégés as they navigate the breadth of what the university has to offer.
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Orientation Leader
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
Orientation Leaders (OLs) assist incoming freshman, transfer students and their families in their transition to the UW. OLs play a vital role in the Advising and Orientation program and introduce topics such as academics, student involvement, housing options and more.
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Psychology Undergraduate Mentoring Program
Faculty, graduate students and advanced undergraduates mentoring Undergraduate Students
The Psychology Undergraduate Mentoring Program aims to increase community and belonging for psychology undergraduates who are members of underrepresented groups and/or transfer students to the university. This program matches psychology faculty, current or former grad students, and advanced undergrads with undergraduate psychology majors or prospective majors. We aim to mentor students who identify with an underrepresented group, such as being a member of a racial minority group, first-generation college student, and/or LGBTQ+ identity, and transfer students, who may be more uncertain of their place in the UW community.
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Public Relations Student Society of America: Mentor Program
Professionals mentoring Undergraduate Students
As members of PRSSA, you can benefit from receiving help from professionals in the Puget Sound Chapter of PRSA. Each PRSSA member has the opportunity to be matched with a professional, who will be available for one to two-hour mentoring sessions a month. Depending on the experience of the student, mentoring sessions vary.
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Study Abroad Peer Ambassadors Program
Undergraduate Students and Staff mentoring Undergraduate Students
Study Abroad Ambassadors will work in close cooperation with UW Study Abroad staff to promote study abroad to UW students. By honing and developing professional and communication skills, peer ambassadors simultaneously foster student development while gaining valuable leadership experience.
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Undergraduate Research Program
Faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate students and research staff mentoring Undergraduate Students
The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) connects undergraduate students to faculty-mentored research opportunities at the UW in all academic fields. The URP offers information sessions, one-on-one advising, and workshops for mentees to help search for and thrive in undergraduate research positions. In addition, the URP hosts a database of research opportunities where mentors can post positions for undergraduate students and provides additional resources and support for research mentors.
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Undergraduate Women in Business: Mentorship Program
Undergraduate Students mentoring Graduate Students
Undergraduate Women in Business (UWiB) offers its members a unique way to connect with others within their sister club, Women in Business (WiB). Members are matched based on personal goals and interests through the UWiB Mentorship Program. WiB is an association of MBA students at the Foster School of Business, that works with UWiB members to provide guidance on everything from academics to career paths.
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Unite UW
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
Unite UW was created to “unite” the domestic and international student community at the University of Washington. The program matches an international or exchange student with a domestic student and provides opportunities for them to participate in various activities together on the UW campus and around Seattle, to foster meaningful relationships, create cultural exchanges and promote greater integration and individual understanding.
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University Honors Program: Honors Peer Meeting
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
This pilot program is a joint effort between UW Honors and the UW Alumni Association to connect our graduates with upperclassmen who are actively preparing themselves for “life after college.” As an alumni mentor, you will help current students understand their own unique objectives and potential as they consider their long-term goals. As a mentee, you benefit from the experience and focused attention of someone who has survived and thrived their own transitions. Your feedback will also help us develop the best methods and tools to ensure lots of successful mentor/mentee experiences in the years to come.
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UW Leaders
Undergraduate Students mentoring Undergraduate Students
UW Leaders (UWL) is a program of the Associated Students of University of Washington (ASUW) that offers leadership-building opportunities for first, second, and transfer third-year students. Whether students have been involved in past leadership or want to start now, UW Leaders maximizes their leadership potential and welcomes them into a close-knit, meaningful community of accomplished individuals.
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UW Women’s Center Mentoring
Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students and Professionals mentoring High School Students
Join Making Connections for an opportunity to change the life of a high school student. Offer guidance, support, and motivation to first generation students who are exploring higher education and careers in the STEM fields.
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