Next steps for community partners
Want to be a co-educator for undergraduate students? Looking for student volunteers to support the work of your organization?
- Read our partnership philosophy:
Community-Engaged Courses is interested in developing partnerships with non-profit, community-based, and public organizations in the greater Seattle area. Our goal is to build and sustain reciprocal relationships that simultaneously meet community-defined needs while advancing the learning goals of University of Washington students and their instructors.
Our partnerships are varied in their community focus and their depth of engagement. We are always eager to engage in conversations with new and current community partners!
- Read our Memorandum of Agreement to ensure you can fulfill the responsibilities as a host site.
- Check out the community-engaged courses we offer.
- View an example of a community-engaged learning positions. Also check out this guide to posting positions in EXPO.
- Start a conversation with Community-Engaged Courses, by emailing or scheduling at time to connect.
Frequently asked questions
What is being asked of students who participate?
Community-engaged learning students' roles range from a marketing coordinator to a volunteer program administrative assistant to a direct service provider and can be designed to benefit your organization.
We encourages organizations and students to begin their relationship early so that the experience can be the best possible for both the organization and students. We encourage students to be professional and responsible in establishing and maintaining this relationship.
Students will contact you early in each academic quarter to ask about the time, date, and location of the orientation at your organization. After attending the orientation, students will coordinate their schedules with the organization and commit to a regular weekly commitment of ~3-5 hours per week, for the duration of the quarter (from the second week, through the last week of classes), depending on your organization’s needs.
Visit Next Steps for Students to learn more.
How many hours are community-engaged students required to complete during a quarter?
There is a recommended range of hours, at least 20-25 over the quarter, that most students are asked to aim for in their community engaged roles. In theory, if a student fulfills their commitment of at least 3 hours per week from Week 2 to Week 10, then that goal would be met. Still, we and the instructors recognize that life happens. Things like longer onboarding processes, sickness, or organizational breaks can affect this a bit.
In the end-of-quarter survey, what we really want to know is: Did the student fulfill the expectations that you mutually agreed on, and make an effort to make up for missed sessions when needed?
- Programs
- Program Contacts
- CELE Fellowships
- CELE K-12 Tutor and Mentor
- Community-Engaged Courses (formerly service-learning)
- Community-engaged courses offered
- Next steps for students
- Next steps for instructors
- Next steps for community partners
- Background checks & mandatory reporting
- Leadership Minor
- Next Gen Civic Leader Corps
- Dream Project
- Honors American South
- Husky Leadership Certificate
- Work-Study Tutors (America Reads)
- Internship GEN ST 350 Course
- Jumpstart
- Othello-UW Commons
- Riverways Education Partnerships
- Undergraduate Community Based Internships (UCBI)