Background checks & mandatory reporting
Background Checks
Background Check Requirements for Community Engaged Learning Students
The Community-Engaged Courses team is committed to the broadest possible access to community engaged learning for UW students. Many community-engaged learning positions require a background check, which may spark questions for students in various circumstances.
The specific background check that is run and the specific criminal convictions that will be disqualifying vary, depending on the site. In order to help students make an informed choice about the community-engaged learning position that they are registering for, we encourage community partner organizations to list the specific items that are required to run the background check at their organization in every relevant position description (for example: full legal name, birth date, social security number or fingerprinting).
Frequently asked questions
What kinds of community-engaged learning positions require a background check?
Community-engaged learning positions where the UW student will be working with youth or vulnerable adults usually require a background check.
If I am an international student, am I eligible for community-engaged learning?
Many community-engaged learning positions are accessible to international students. The Community-Engaged Courses team asks community partner organizations to note in advance which forms of identification will be requested, and to list other requirements for their onboarding processes such as social security numbers, fingerprints, or vaccinations. We ask you to please consider those requirements and whether they will work for you. If you would like to double check that a position is available to international students before registering, feel free to contact the
If I am an undocumented student, am I eligible for community-engaged learning?
Yes, undocumented students are eligible to volunteer in many community-engaged learning positions- and are encouraged to do so. Most positions only require full legal name and birthday. However, undocumented students should take care to review the list of items required to complete the background check for each community-engaged learning position (ex: full legal name, birth date, social security number or fingerprinting). If you have any questions about the background check requirements for a specific community-engaged learning position, please contact the Community-Engaged Courses team as soon as possible at Student questions about background checks will be kept confidential by our staff.
If I have a past conviction, am I eligible for community-engaged learning?
Each community-engaged learning position has its own unique background check requirements. Some community-engaged learning positions do not require a background check at all. To find out the background check requirements for a specific community-engaged learning position, review the position description in Expo (read all the available information!). If you have any questions about the background check requirements for a specific community-engaged learning position, or if you have questions about whether a specific past conviction would be disqualifying for a particular community-engaged learning position, you are welcome and encouraged to contact us at and we will check with the community partner organization about their background check requirement and process on your behalf. In most cases, students that have a past conviction will still be able to participate in community-engaged learning, in their preferred position or at an alternative organization. Student questions about background checks will be kept confidential by our staff.
Safety of Minors: Mandatory Reporting Requirement
for UW Service-Learning Students
Community-engaged learning students who will be serving with youth or vulnerable adults are mandated reporters of abuse and neglect under Chapter 26.44 of the Revised Code of Washington.
Our community partner/host sites are responsible for training community-engaged learning students on Washington State’s mandatory reporting policy and the specific mandatory reporting processes at their site, before students begin service with youth or vulnerable adults.
Resources for Community-Engaged Courses Partner Organizations
- From Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, information about How to Report Abuse or Neglect of a Child or Vulnerable Adult, including Washington State abuse and neglect reporting policy and process, training resources and outreach materials.
- Community-Engaged Courses Partnership Memorandum of Agreement
- Programs
- Program Contacts
- CELE Fellowships
- CELE K-12 Tutor and Mentor
- Community-Engaged Courses (formerly service-learning)
- Community-engaged courses offered
- Next steps for students
- Next steps for instructors
- Next steps for community partners
- Background checks & mandatory reporting
- Leadership Minor
- Next Gen Civic Leader Corps
- Honors American South
- Dream Project
- Work-Study Tutors (America Reads)
- Husky Leadership Certificate
- Internship GEN ST 350 Course
- Jumpstart
- Othello-UW Commons
- Riverways Education Partnerships
- Undergraduate Community Based Internships (UCBI)