Participant Information
Registration Now Open!
Register here by April 9, 2025
We are excited to invite you to showcase your reflections and learning made through your community engagement! Whether as a volunteer, intern, student leader, activist, or tutor, this is your opportunity to reflect and share your work at the Spring CELEbration 2025.
Once you have completed your application, you may revisit the application link to see a dashboard of other important information in connection to Spring CELEbration – including Info/Work Session times, Presentation Prompts, and Submission Information (when available).
Presentation Modalities
Student can select from 4 different presentation modalities.
Please be aware that some programs may have limitations on the modalities you can choose. Be sure to review the Presentation Formats reference sheet for more information.
Group Registration
- Presentations may be group projects.
- Only one person from your group needs to register, but please include the UW netIDs of all group members during registration.
Community Partner & Mentor Recognition
This is optional. You can nominate individuals who have positively impacted your community engagement or leadership experience. These individuals will be highlighted at Spring CELEbration.
Recognition Details:
- Mentors: You may recognize a mentor, community partner, instructor, adviser, or any other staff member.
- Visual Display: Recognition statements will be shared at the event in a decorative visual display.
Mentor Recognition Statement [200 word limit]:
- Respond to the question(s):
- What has inspired you to formally recognize this individual?
- What impact has this person made on your community engagement or leadership experience?
Images from Spring CELEbration 2023
Presentation prompts
All presentation prompts can be found at this page: Spring CELEbration Guiding Prompts
Spring CELEbration 2025 Presentation Submission Guidelines
We are excited for your participation in Spring CELEbration! Please review the information below to prepare your presentation submission by April 25, 2025, 11:59 p.m..
(UW netID login required, one submission per person)
Important Dates:
- Submission Deadline: April 25, 2025, 11:59 p.m.
- Poster Submission Deadline: April 22, 2025, 12 p.m. (to cover printing cost)
Please choose from the following presentation formats and review the submission instructions carefully. If you need a reminder of what you registered for, please contact your program staff.
Format Type | Description | What to Submit | File Format |
Table Talks |
Presenters will showcase a visual/physical artifact at th table and guide conversations with attendees. |
Submit your description and questions in the form fields. |
Lightning Talks |
5-7 minute talks with 3-5 minutes for Q&A and transitions.
Slides (.pptx or .pdf) — no Google Slides. |
File name should be [Lastname][Firstname][Program Affiliation].pptx or .pdf example: DawgDubsHLC.pptx |
Posters |
Posters must be formatted to 40 x 32 inches. Foam core boards, clips, and easels will be provided.
Poster in PDF format | [Lastname][Firstname][Program Affiliation].pdf Example: HuskyHarryCCRA.pdf |
Video | Submit a 3-6 minute video. Transcripts and captions are required for accessibility. |
File Naming: [Lastname][Firstname][Program Affiliation].mov or .mp4 & [Lastname][Firstname][Program Affiliation]_videotranscript.docx or .pdf Example: HuskyHarryCCRA.mp4 |
General format information: UW NetID sign in required
Examples can be found here.
Info Sessions & Work Sessions
Info Sessions
Learn more about the submission process and how to prepare for the event.
RSVP here: Info Session RSVP
- Wednesday, Feburary 26, 4:00-4:45pm @Mary Gates Hall 171
- Monday, March 3, 12 - 2pm @Mary Gates Hall 171
Info + Work Sessions
Overview of Spring CELEbration and time to work on project/ application!
RSVP here: Info + Work Session RSVP
- Monday, March 10, 11:30 - 1:30 pm @ Mary Gates Hall 171
- Friday, April 4 Virtual session 10 -11 am (Recording)
- Tuesday, April 8, 4 - 6 pm @ Mary Gates Hall 173R
Work Sessions
Join us answer questions and work on your presentation materials, supported by CELE + MG staff.
RSVP here: Work Session RSVP
- Tuesday, April 15, 4 - 6 p.m. @MGH 171 Multi-purpose room
- Wednesday, April 23, 4 - 6 p.m. @ MGH 171 Multi-purpose room
Event Schedule
The event will be divided into multiple sessions for presenters to share and interact with each other:
- Session 0 (Lightning Talks): 3:45 - 4:30 p.m.
- Event Welcome & Community Partners Recognition: 4:30 -4:50 p.m.
- Presentation Session 1: 5:00 - 5:50 p.m.
- Presentation Session 2: 6:00 - 6:50 p.m.
- Community Conversations: 7:00 - 7:30 p.m.
- Event End: 7:30 p.m.
(Schedule subject to change)
On the submission form, you will be able to indicate your preferred presentation session. We will do our best to accommodate requests, but please note that due to capacity restrictions, we cannot guarantee your selection. We recommend submitting early for your preferred session.
What to expect on the Application/Registration form?
- You will sign in via your UW log-in (SSO)
Personal Information:
Name, expected graduation date, pronouns, email, class standing, major/pre-major focus. (Most of this section should be auto populated by the UW Student Database. Please review and add to any missing fields).
Program Involvement: You will select the program or programs you are currently involved in.
Presentation Type: The format/modality of your presentation (Table Talk, Lightning Talk, Video, or Poster).
Please see this link for more information on presentation modalities
- Location: (optional) Street address of the community partner site you worked with
Group Members (optional)
If you are presenting in a group, you will list their netIDs here.
Community Partner / Mentor Recognition (optional)
Recognize a mentor, community partner, instructor, advisor or other staff member that has positively impacted your experience to be recognized at Spring Celebration. Nominations will be displayed at the event in a decorative visual display
Mentor Name, Title, Organization or Department
Who's eligible to participate?
- You are an eligible participant if you are:
- Actively engaged in any CELE Center programs in the 2024-2025 academic year
- CELE Fellowships
- CELE K-12 Tutor and Mentor
- Community-Engaged Courses
- Dream Project
- Honors American South
- Husky Leadership Certificate
- Internship GEN ST 350 Course
- Jumpstart
- Leadership Minor
- Mary Gates Endowment for Students, Leadership Scholarship Recipients
- Next Gen Civic Leader Corps
- Othello-UW Commons
- Riverways Education Partnerships
- Undergraduate Community Based Internships (UCBI)
- Work-Study Tutors (America Reads)
- A Mary Gates Leadership student (awarded Fall 2024, Winter 2025, or Spring 2025).
- Actively engaged in any CELE Center programs in the 2024-2025 academic year
How should I choose between groups or individual presentation?
- Your program may require your presentation to be individual. Please check with your program staff to confirm.
- If presenting as a group, only one person needs to complete the application to register. They will need the netIDs of all participating group members to input on the application.
What if I'm presenting for more than 1 program?
- If you are presenting for more than one program, please check in with your program staff to see if you can combine content into one presentation. (For example, an HLC student who is also a Dream Project intern may complete a single lightning talk or table talk to fulfill program requirements).
- If you need to present twice, please email for more information prior to registration.